Titiz Klinik Diş Kliniği


A comprehensive, long-lasting, and aesthetic teeth whitening method is possible without damaging your teeth.

Firstly, think about the type of smile you want and visit your dentist. The most important thing is to be able to make you smile with the shortest possible treatment. It should be noted that not every tooth can be whitened. This is a situation that depends on the formation characteristics of some teeth and genetic reasons. Your dentist will inform you about this based on their experience.

The first step of the procedure will be to prepare your mouth for “bleaching”. In this preparation, stains on the teeth are first removed, if there are any tartar, they are removed as well. It is checked whether there are cracks or decay in the teeth, or if there are damaged fillings. Your teeth and gums will be damaged in whitening if these problems exist. If there are problems, they should be eliminated first, then it is time for “bleaching”.

We decide at this point which type of “bleaching” to use, whether it will be the home or office type. If the tooth color is too dark and the expected whiteness is too much, combined treatment will be more reasonable.

The home type is a treatment method where individuals make it themselves at home through prepared trays, which are controlled by a dentist. The office type is a whitening method performed by the dentist in the clinic with the help of high light, laser, etc., and how many times this will be done depends entirely on the expected whiteness.

So, is this whiteness permanent? It depends on you… White diet, white diet, white diet!!! If the “white diet” is maintained during and after all procedures, the life of the procedure will be extended.

So, what is a white diet? In the white diet, almost everything that is colorful is prohibited. When it comes to colorful foods, cola, tea, coffee, especially red wine, tomato paste dishes, fruit juices that dye and cigarettes come first.

All of these details will also be explained to you by your dentist. Your job is to make the white diet not only a habit during treatment but also a lifestyle after treatment in order to maintain this whiteness for a long time. Otherwise, this sparkling smile you have achieved will be short-lived. You should consume less coffee, less chocolate, prefer white wine instead of red wine, the fruit itself instead of colorful fruit juices, and choose dishes without tomato paste. Of course, you should also not neglect to brush your teeth regularly at least three times a day.

This way, the color will be more permanent, and the procedure will need to be repeated less frequently.

This is the real key to a white smile. It’s up to you how much effort you will put into achieving this beautiful smile.

We decide here which method, home or office, to use for “bleaching”. If the tooth color is very dark and the expected whiteness is too high, a combined treatment would be more reasonable. The home method is a treatment in which individuals prepare and perform the treatment at home through customized trays checked by the dentist. The office method, on the other hand, is a whitening treatment performed by the dentist in their office with the help of high light, laser, etc., and the number of times it will be performed is entirely related to the expected whiteness.

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