Titiz Klinik Diş Kliniği


“It feels like my own tooth, is this really a filling?”

Sometimes the decay in a tooth can be so extensive that after removing the decayed part, the remaining healthy tooth structure is not sufficient for a composite filling. This can also happen after a root canal treatment. Generally, if the loss of tooth structure is about 3/4ths of the crown, then the preferred type of restoration would be an inlay or an onlay made of porcelain.

Precise work is required for porcelain inlays. After preparing the tooth, an impression is taken and sent to the laboratory, where the restoration is made using pressed porcelain, just like a porcelain crown. The cavity is filled with a temporary filling. In the second appointment, the custom-made porcelain onlay or inlay is bonded to the tooth using special adhesives and bonding technology. These fillings are long-lasting, maintain their polished surface, are very aesthetic and healthy, and are much more resistant to chewing forces compared to composite fillings. However, they are more expensive and the procedure takes longer than composite fillings.

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Cosmethic Treatments

Cosmethic Treatments

Cosmethic Treatments

Cosmethic Treatments

Cosmethic Treatments

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