Titiz Klinik Diş Kliniği


An aesthetic and hygienic solution as an alternative to metal materials.

Metal-free porcelain is used as an aesthetic alternative to zirconium. It is a hygienic method that can tolerate missing teeth as long as there is no damage to the teeth for fixed crown-bridge applications. It can be applied to everyone who needs crown-bridge applications, as long as they have undamaged teeth. These materials provide very good results aesthetically because they offer the opportunity to capture the natural appearance of the teeth almost perfectly. The advantage that separates them from metal materials is that they do not disrupt the image in radiographic imaging methods.

The first session is spent finding the closest images to the desired outcome with visuals, brainstorming, and taking oral measurements. After the measurements, models are analyzed in a laboratory environment and created. The second session proceeds with the one-to-one control of the models. Measurements are taken, and necessary revisions are made. In the third session, the designed porcelain pieces are applied to the mouth. The process is completed within a week. Work to be done in the front areas may require an extra session compared to the back areas.

Other Cosmethic Treatments

Smile Design


Porcelain Laminate Veneers


Cosmethic Treatments

Cosmethic Treatments

Cosmethic Treatments

Cosmethic Treatments

Contact us for more information and to schedule an appointment.